Taber's Budgeting

Welcome to my budgeting page! I have made a series of videos about personal budgeting. These videos fall into two parts:

  1. Part one is Budgeting Basics and is comprised of Videos 1-4.

  2. Part two is How to use Taber's budgeting spreadsheet. Videos 5-10.

Part 1 - Budgeting Basics

Video 1: What is a Budget? (~5 min.)

Video 2: Why keep a Budget? (~5 min.)

Video 3: Envelope Method (~5.5 min.)

Video 4: Wise Financial Advice (~7 min.)

Part 2 - How to Use Taber's Budgeting Spreadsheet

Video 5: Budget Spreadsheet Intro (~4.5 min.)

Video 6: Bottom Section (~12.5 min.)

Video 7: Top Section (~15.5 min.)

Video 8: How to Use My Budget Spreadsheet (~16.5 min.)

Video 9: Inter-category Transfers & Shopping Returns (~7.5 min.) 


Click on the box below to access a view only template of Taber's Budget Spreadsheet. You can make a copy of the template so you have your own editable version.


Video 10: Year Totals Page (~7 min.)

If you have questions on budgeting or about my spreadsheet feel free to contact me.